Shell Malaysia is doing what it can to do to flatten the curve by ensuring the disinfection of high-touch areas at all 950 stations nationwide.
The Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t shown signs of relenting in Malaysia. Recently, the number of cases has increased up 1,624 cases at the time of writing this very paragraph. We do what we can to reduce the spread by practising social distancing and obeying the Movement Control Order (MCO).
Shell Malaysia is ramping up on its efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of Malaysian motorists as well as site staff in these times of peril. Shell has implemented several prevention guidelines to keep all of its stations in a safe condition as follows.
Sanitisation: Shell has identified high-touch areas such as petrol pumps, fuel nozzles, pin pads, dispenser air balancers, door handle, pay window, cashier area, tissue dispensers, switches, taps and sinks are disinfected at all 950 stations nationwide every hour.
Food safety: Shell has implemented a take-away only or delivery orders during this time. Shell is also conducting hourly sanitisation of all customers’ touchpoints including coffee machines touch screens, Deli2go countertops, pastry thongs and showcase handles.
Restrooms: The frequency of cleaning Shell station restrooms has been also increased every hour with steps to ensure that clean water and soaps are always readily available.
Social Distancing: Shell stations now have Social Distancing Markers at all of its stations and is placed in the stores, bay window area, and the display the Social Distancing poster at the store entrance.
Site Staff: Part of Shell’s safety efforts also include tracking and monitoring the health of all Shell site staff, including the checking of their temperatures before the start of every shift. Shell site staff are fully equipped with face mask, nitrile hand gloves and comply with the social distancing measures to ensure their health and safety is taken care of.
“We have approximately more than 70,000 number of site staff helping us ensure our stations continue to operate. These are our “site heroes” who are taking the extra added initiative to clean, disinfect, and continuously ensuring that we are able to power Malaysia and all the necessary transportation, ambulance, logistics and essential services that keep Malaysia going in this trying time. To them, I cannot express enough our heartfelt gratitude and we will do everything to keep them safe while on duty”.
Shairan Huzani Husain, Managing Director, Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd and Shell Timur Sdn Bhd
Shell urges all customers to remain vigilant in practising meticulous safety habits such as use hand sanitisers frequently while at the stations. Shell also advises all customers to remove all gloves or plastics to avoid static contact while refuelling.