New private car comprehensive insurance policy to make automotive insurance less complicated
Berjaya Sompo Insurance has unveiled their latest motoring insurance product which they describe as being “comprehensively comprehensive”. Called Sompo Motor, the policy is designed to include additional coverage for driver’s motor insurance at minimal additional cost to the policyholder. The policy is also available for older vehicles and includes full coverage against natural disasters.
The new basic benefits included in Sompo Motor are as follows:
Special perils coverage, where claim amount does not exceed RM10,000 or 20% of Sum Insured, whichever is lower,
Coverage for all drivers, not just named drivers,
12-month warranty on repairs,
Emergency towing cost of RM300 following an accident.
Car owners may also opt for new additional benefits such as full special perils coverage, unlimited towing costs within Malaysia, and waiver of betterment for vehicles up to 15 years. Another new feature of Sompo Motor is that it provides consumers with the option to choose the Voluntary Excess of the Policy, ranging from 0% to 3% of the sum insured. Voluntary Excess of the Policy gives policyholders the option to pay out of their own pocket for each claim, up to 3% of the claim amount, in exchange for a lower premium each month.
In addition, Berjaya Sompo is working with car brands like Honda Malaysia, Mazda Malaysia, and Nissan Malaysia to provide bundled insurance packages that are tailored to the needs of car owners.
More information about Berjaya Sompo products can be found at //www.berjayasompo.com.my/product/sompo-motor