Petron Go-To-Safety-Point awareness campaign in collaboration with the RMP to make Petron service stations local community safe havens in emergencies
The Petron Go-To-Safety-Point (GTSP) Programme is an initiative led by Royal Malaysia Police, under the government’s “United Against Crime”. The programme aims to ensure the safety and security of the local communities. Police presence at Petron stations and calls made from Petron stations receive quicker response times, making the stations a safe shelter for the public during emergency situations.
The campaign to increase awareness of GTSP got a boost in Minintod, Sabah with a demonstration held at Petron. The Sabah Deputy Police Commissioner, YDH DCP Datuk Jauteh bin Dikun launched the event which simulated an emergency situation. The exercise also served as a “real-time” training for the station staff when faced with similar situations in the future.
Also part of GTSP is the ‘de-stress’ corner. This is a comfortable space to sit, calm down and get early assistance. There is a first aid kit, a chair and a blanket. There is also a safety information board with emergency contact numbers.
“I am honoured that my station has been chosen as the venue for Sabah State GTSP Event Launch. My station staff were trained to provide early assistance to the public during an emergency while we contacted the relevant government agencies for further support. My hope is that the simulation today will increase public understanding on the GTSP programme and assured them that they will be assisted by our station staff during emergency” said Yong Shiaw Yeou, Petron Minintod dealer.
Petron Malaysia is the first oil company to provide GTSP at their service stations. Since 2013, all Petron Service Stations nationwide have been GTSP-ready. There is also a GTSP decal on the glass wall of the stations. Training is provided for the staff on handling emergency situations. They also attend refresher courses to keep them up-to-date and prepared for emergencies.
The GTSP programme at Petron service stations advocates safety as everyone’s responsibility and the importance of helping each other in need.
In September 2022, Petron launched ten mural designs and safety posters to deliver personal and road safety messages. The event was at Petron Nilai Impian. They were based on using old Malay proverbs. This programme is in support of Petron’s social sustainability aspiration on community engagement. The programme is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, partnerships for the goals.