Proton R3 makes herstory with all-women team in Sepang 1000km

Proton R3 makes herstory with all-women team in Sepang 1000km

Proton R3’s all-women team crossed the line in a respectable 7th overall in the grueling Sepang 1000km endurance race.

Motorsports was once seen as a male-dominated domain. However, women’s participation in the sport has always been around since the dawn of motor sport itself; be it at the driver’s seat or in the background making things work. Piloting the No.28 Team Proton R3 Proton Saga across the chequered flag in 7th overall is an all-women driver team consisting Leona Chin, Faye Kusairi and Nurul Husna.

The three drivers did not have any prior experience competing together in the Malaysia Championship Series (MCS), where Faye and Nurul were selected from the MSF-R3 Lady Drivers Search and Mentor Programme while Leona is a seasoned professional in the MCS.

The trio managed good pace during practice session which placed them at the top eight overall, however a small technical glitch in qualifying set them back of the M-Production class grid in 26th.

In endurance racing, qualifying position does matter to an extent, but not a race win decider. Its a battle of attrition and the only way to win is with consistency, mechanical sympathy, faultless pit stops and driver changes, the trio made their way up the field finishing in seventh overall. This once again shows that endurance racing is all about consistency, team effort and clever strategies.

“The S1K was extremely memorable and surreal for me. I am amazed we finished seventh from 26th on the grid but it proves how quick the Proton Saga and our trio of drivers really is. To be honest, I really feel that if we were given another chance, I think we can make it up on to the podium,” said Faye Kusairi.

“Our lady race drivers performed admirably and drove really well to mount a great comeback from their low grid position. To finish seventh in what is one of the toughest S1K races in recent memory is a great achievement and the best finish ever achieved at the race for an all-ladies driving crew,” said Gary Lee, Head of Team Proton R3.